AUTOPANO-COMPLETE.OLD(1) User Manual AUTOPANO-COMPLETE.OLD(1) NAME autopano-complete.old - Generate panorama project file from images (obsolete). SYNOPSIS output.pto image1 image2 [image3 [..]] DESCRIPTION autopano-complete.old (Note: this script is obsolete and might be removed in later versions. Use the autopano-complete script instead.) Generate panorama project from image files. First, generate temporary keypoint files for each of the image files given on the command line. Then match the image files to identify the same features in two or more images. Generate a PTO panorama project file from the matching results. (Programs such as hugin can read it.) OPTIONS output.pto The filename of the PTO project file to generate. image The image files to read in. They can be in any common format, including JPEG, PNG and TIFF. BUGS No bugs known, if you find any, please send a bug report to me. I will try to fix it. AUTHOR Sebastian Nowozin SEE ALSO autopano-sift(7), autopano-complete(7), generatekeys(1), autopanog(1), showone(1), showtwo(1) autopano-sift MAY 2004 AUTOPANO-COMPLETE.OLD(1)